Bond Protective Face Shields and Masks

Personal Protection Equipment Tapes

Masks, gloves and protective gear are especilly useful in settings where other social distancing measures are hard to maintain. With our high quality tapes, we support protection equipment producers to ensure personal protection of medical staff and the general public.

Our Tape Assortment for Personal Protection & Medical Equipment Producers


Large numbers of masks and protective gear are required in order to protect people in environments where keeping a safe distance from each other is difficult. PPE and medical producers as well as manufacturers switching production to masks and protective gear are supporting with delivering necessary supply. Here you can find suitable tape and adhesive solutions for applications within mask and protective gear equipment production.

Tapes for Shield Mounting

Tapes for Mask Metal Nose Piece Mounting

Tapes for Vibration Management within Respiratory or Filtering Facepiece Particles (FFP) Masks

Tapes for Splicing of Fabrics

Tapes for Splicing of Non-Woven or Fleece

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For more information on our personal protection equipment tapes, please get in touch with us or with your distributor to directly order tapes!