tesa® Professional 4844
Popis výrobku
tesa® 4840 so stabilným fóliovým nosičom a s lepidlom z prírodného kaučuku,ktoré je odolné voči UV. Páska umožňuje odmaskovanie bez akýchkoľvek ťažkostí a stôp aj při vonkajšej aplikácií do 6 týždňov.Vďaka nosiču je pásku možné jednoducho odtrhnúť rukou.
Technické vlastnosti
Celková hrúbka | 140 µm |
Hodnotenie vlastností
Predĺženie pri pretrhnutí | 120 % |
Sila pretrhnutia | 22 N/cm |
Vhodná pre hrubé povrchy | dobré |
Hand tearability | veľmi dobré |
Vlastnosti lepidla
Priľnavosť na oceľ | 1.7 N/cm |
tesa® products prove their impressive quality day in, day out in demanding conditions and are regularly subjected to strict controls. All technical information and data above mentioned are provided to the best of our knowledge on the basis of our practical experience. They shall be considered as average values and are not appropriate for a specification. Therefore tesa SE can make no warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user is responsible for determining whether the tesa® product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user’s method of application. If you are in any doubt, our technical staff will be glad to support you.