tesa HAF® 8410

Heat activated film for the embedding of chip-modules into smart cards

Product description

tesa® HAF 8410 HS is a heat activated double-sided brown adhesive film based on reactive phenolic resin and nitrile rubber.

Product details and specifications

Application Fields

tesa® HAF 8410 HS is designed for the embedding of chip-modules into smart cards with high security and long life requirements.

  • Suitable for PVC, ABS, PET and PC cards
  • Good workability on all common implanting lines
  • Outstanding ageing resistance
  • Lifelong flexibility due to high rubber content
Technical Recommendations for smart card applications:
The following values are recommendations for machine parameters to start with. Please note that optimum parameters strongly depend on the type of machine, particular materials for card bodies and chip-modules as well as customer requirements.
1. Pre-lamination:
During pre-lamination, the adhesive tape is laminated onto the module belt. This step can be performed in-line or off-line. The pre-lamination step does not effect the shelf-life of the adhesive tape. Pre-laminated module belts can be stored over the same period of time as the adhesive tape.
Machine setting:
  • Temperature 120 – 140 °C
  • Pressure 4 – 6 bar
  • Time 1,5 – 3,0 s
2. Module Embedding:
During module embedding, the pre-laminated modules are die cut from the module belt, positioned into the card cavity and permanently bonded to the card body by heat. For this step, the exact handling depends on the type of the implanting line used. Today, two different ways are most common:
Single step process - Machine setting (low temperature):
  • Temperature¹ 160 – 180 °C
  • Pressure 65 N/module
  • Time 2,0 – 4,0 s
Single step process - Machine setting (high temperature):
  • Temperature¹ 180 – 200 °C
  • Pressure 65 N/module
  • Time 1,0 – 1,5 s
Multiple step process (2 or more heating stamps) - Machine setting:
  • Temperature¹ 170 – 200 °C
  • Pressure 65 N/module
  • Time (for each step) 0,7 – 1,2 s

¹ Temperature as measured inside the heating stamp
tesa® products prove their impressive quality day in, day out in demanding conditions and are regularly subjected to strict controls. All technical information and data above mentioned are provided to the best of our knowledge on the basis of our practical experience. They shall be considered as average values and are not appropriate for a specification. Therefore tesa SE can make no warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user is responsible for determining whether the tesa® product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user’s method of application. If you are in any doubt, our technical staff will be glad to support you.

Download the files below for more technical details and information on this product.

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