tesa Automotive Masking Solutions

Intelligent Products for Mass Customization


Mass production and customer-specific individualization – we offer products to combine the advantages

Automotive Customers Want to Express Individual Lifestyles

When purchasing a car, the majority of modern customers do not only want to fulfil their need for mobility. Cars have become highly emotional products that express personality and individual lifestyle. It is therefore not surprising that visual appeal is one of the most essential criteria for car buyers.

In order to meet this need at an affordable price, automotive manufacturers face the challenge of combining cost-effective mass production processes with flexibility in terms of customer-specific individualization. But all elements of individualization also put pressure on the OEM assembly line when it comes to keeping tight process time targets as well as ensuring reproducibility at a high level of quality.

The Citroen DS3 offers over one million, the MINI even over four million different design combinations and 80% of all purchasing orders involve individualized options. The good news is that customers are willing to pay for the individual touch, so increased production complexity is balanced by significant potential for additional margins: In average, an extra 2000 euros were spent for individualized options per car in 2013.

We Offer Products for Reliable Individualization Projects

All our products are especially designed to support our automotive customers in meeting the challenges of mass customization. Our design masking and roll masker solutions ensure multi-colored paint coatings with minimal process times and razor-sharp paint lines. Different interior applications of soft and flexible material are bonded with our interior mounting solutions, ensuring an individual look of the cabin. Attachment part and emblem mounting solutions ensure the reliable application of exterior attachments, chrome-plated elements, and emblems to further customize the exterior appearance of the vehicle.

With solutions for a variety of interior and exterior design elements, our adhesive products ensure increased flexibility and production output, without compromising manufacturing quality. Our comprehensive automotive product assortment helps OEMs create an accurate and unique look, while ensuring easy and lean processes.