More sustainable production: tesa relies on green hydrogen for a climate-neutral future

Start of planning with Gasnetz Hamburg for hydrogen connection of the tesa plant in Hamburg
  • Decarbonization: tesa aims to achieve climate-neutral production by 2030 (Scope 1 and 2) 
  • Forward-looking: tesa is investing millions in renewable energy and integrating green hydrogen into production 
  • Start of production: The first adhesive tapes produced with hydrogen are scheduled to be manufactured at the Hamburg-Hausbruch production site in 2027 and will save around 6,000 metric tons of CO₂ emissions caused by production each year.


Norderstedt tesa, an international manufacturer of innovative adhesive tapes and self-adhesive product solutions, makes sustainability a top priority and relies on a science-based approach. By 2030, tesa aims to achieve climate-neutral production (Scope 1 and 2). In addition, the company is striving to reduce indirect emissions along the value chain by one-fifth compared with 2018. To achieve its goals, tesa has defined strategic action areas in its sustainability strategy, including the reduction of emissions. The formulated energy strategy with a fixed action plan and clearly defined milestones makes a significant contribution to achieving the goals. These include saving energy, increasing energy efficiency, and replacing fossil fuels with the purchase and in-house production of energy from renewable sources such as the sun or wind. The goal of the transformative approach is to ensure an efficient and economical energy supply. 

tesa relies on renewable energy: hydrogen helps reduce CO2 

As a manufacturing company in the chemical industry, tesa is confronted with high energy requirements. "Decarbonization can only succeed if we exploit all opportunities to use renewable energies," explains Dr. Norman Goldberg, CEO of tesa SE. "Connecting to the hydrogen network is a strong signal for more sustainable innovation and climate protection. However, it is also important that the transition remains affordable in order to stay internationally competitive!” 

In cooperation with Gasnetz Hamburg, tesa aims to connect the tesa plant in Hamburg to the supply of green hydrogen and is thus part of the HH-WIN project, the Hamburg Hydrogen Industrial Network. The integration of hydrogen options in the energy supply - as a supplement to electricity and gas - is a key component of tesa's strategy to reduce CO₂ emissions. The use of hydrogen could save around 6,000 metric tons of CO₂ per year - an important step toward climate neutrality. 

The first adhesive tapes produced using green hydrogen are expected to be manufactured at the tesa plant in Hamburg as early as 2027. Investments in the millions are planned for the new equipment and infrastructure needed to feed hydrogen into the production processes. In total, tesa is investing around 300 million euros in these and similar measures with measurable effects in the coming years. By 2030, the process is to be further scaled up and natural gas is to be replaced by hydrogen. By integrating forward-looking technologies into its production processes, tesa is underscoring its role as an innovation leader in the industry. 

Sustainability at tesa plants around the globe 

tesa is committed to renewable energy not only in Hamburg, but around the world. Since 2020, tesa has been purchasing electricity from renewable sources at all of its locations worldwide and is increasingly relying on its own electricity production. At the tesa plant in Offenburg, Germany, a solar park is currently being built that will go into operation at the beginning of 2025 and cover around 25% of the site's electricity requirements. Other solar plants in China, Italy, Germany, and the United States are already in operation, under construction, or in preparation. In addition, tesa is focusing on solvent-free and less energy-intensive production. One example of this is the site in Sparta (USA), where tesa will switch completely to solvent-free production in 2023. This will reduce CO₂ emissions there by 38% and save around 1,100 metric tons of CO₂. 

For more information on tesa's sustainability strategy and the "Reduce emissions" action area, click here: We do: Reduce emissions - tesa

About tesa SE

As a multinational company, tesa develops innovative adhesive tapes and self-adhesive product solutions for various industries, commercial customers, and end consumers. There are already more than 7,000 tesa adhesive solutions that help improve the work, products or lives of our customers. Today, the focus is on sustainability and energy-saving processes. tesa invests in the development of environmentally friendly products and solvent-free manufacture processes as well as in the use of renewable energy sources at its locations.

tesa is active in 100 countries and operates plants in Germany, Italy, China, the USA, and in Vietnam. Around three quarters of the tesa Group’s sales (2023: EUR 1.7 billion euro) are generated by applications for industries. Together with its international clients, tesa develops innovations that are customized at product and process level. Already more than 130 tesa tapes may be installed in an electric car and over 70 in a smartphone. In the printing and construction industries, too, tesa is constantly penetrating new segments and countries with its special adhesive tapes. The company generates almost one quarter of its sales with products for end consumers and professional craftsmen. 300 applications, such as the legendary tesafilm®, make life easier or, when it comes to insect protection, even make it a bit more pleasant. tesa counts among the world’s leading manufacturers of adhesive solutions. Since 2001, tesa SE is an independent 100% affiliate of Beiersdorf AG (i.e., NIVEA, Eucerin, la prairie) with approx. 5,200 employees today.