01tesa trendpapier 12 / Idee 2: Memoboard/ Aufmacher quer
Schluss mit der Zettelwirtschaft: Die Memoboards sind sehr schnell gemacht und habe jede Menge Platz für Zettel und Karten, die von tesa TACK® Klebepads gehalten werden.
Organize bits and pieces of paper: The Memo Boards are made in a jiffy and offer plenty of space for notes and cards - simply attach them with tesa TACK® adhesive pads.
What we need:
Black picture frames in different sizes, black-and-white papers, scissors, pencil, tesa TACK® adhesive pads
And this is how it´s done:
tesa Tipp:
tesa Tack® adhesive pads: The small, double-sided adhesive pads make life easier - For example, they allow attaching notes almost anywhere and can be removed without a trace. 60 pads for 3.15 Euro.