tesa® Insect Stop Clip-on frame

tesa® Insect Stop with clip-on frame is easy to assemble and customize to fit different sized window frames. It is also robust and translucent, allowing clear visibility.

    • fiberglass flyscreen in plastic strip frame
    • is inserted in self-adhesive retaining clips
    • detachable for winter season
    • adjustable to individual size
    • incl. Clear View Plus mesh for improved transparency & ventilation
    • suitable for most PVC window frames (requires approx. 8mm space in the window frame)
    • 3 yrs warranty
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Product description

Thanks to tesa® Insect Stop with clip-on frame, unwanted insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and wasps stay outside. The clip-on system allows the frame to be inserted as needed and removed without causing wear and tear.

Here's how it works: Measure the window, cut the plastic strips to size and stick them together to form a rectangle, clamp the fiberglass screen in it, trim any excess with a cutter, glue the holding clips to the window frame. Then clip in the self-made mosquito net.

    • fiberglass flyscreen in plastic strip frame
    • is inserted in self-adhesive retaining clips
    • detachable for winter season
    • adjustable to individual size
    • incl. Clear View Plus mesh for improved transparency & ventilation
    • suitable for most PVC window frames (requires approx. 8mm space in the window frame)
    • 3 yrs warranty