Stage exceptional flexibility

Your mini guide to printing with flexibility 

As a printer, you are striving every day to run your presses at the limit of their capacity, juggling long and short runs, factoring in personalization and customer preferences, continually monitoring quality, and always minimizing cost. The demands are infinitely varied, priorities are constantly changing: In the modern packaging industry, flexibility is an essential commodity. We do not need to tell you – to keep all the plates spinning, you need a flexible mindset, versatile and reliable solutions, and suppliers that respond to your needs.  

Smarter choices 

Flexibility is possible when you have the technology and solutions required to adapt to a changing market, and the freedom to make the right choices every day.

Easy plate mounting EA

01Faster turnaround

You cannot afford to get bogged down in clunky plate mounting processes, or mess around with fiddly and unreliable product - It is the enemy of flexibility.  Modern solutions are specifically designed for ease of handling, with quick, easy, and accurate mounting and demounting. Giving you the opportunity to maximize the productivity of your presses. 

Twinlock and Softprint flexibility

02The right technology

Tape, self-adhesive reusable sleeves, or a combination of each? We offer both technologies, so our experts have the flexibility to recommend what is right for you. tesa® Softprint can be selected to provide the exact combination of hardness and adhesive you require. tesa® Twinlock offers increased sustainability and massively reduced complexity.

Semi-automated plate mounting


Automation and robotics are becoming viable options for many flexo printers – with the potential to fill growing skills gaps, streamline routine processes, and enhance operational agility. For example, automatic plate mounting can mean a faster process, reduced downtime, and more repeatable quality. Our large assortment offers all required options to facilitate automation topics and we are constantly working with industry partners to support upcoming market needs.


Putting you in control 

Responsiveness and versatility do not need to come at the cost of doing an exceptional job. We offer a choice of plate mounting solutions and technologies that means you have more control over your processes, and greater freedom to achieve the finished product you, and your customers, want.  

Tesa Germany; Inside Tesa Magazine; Polymount International HQ; the Netherlands; Marcus Koppen photography; April 2018, final retouch

tesa® Twinlock

Our range of self-adhesive reusable sleeves, developed to strip out complexity and bring you flexibility, while enhancing sustainability and reducing waste – and crucially, without compromising on quality. tesa® Twinlock features a special PU foam designed to ensure consistent compressibility and eliminate bounce on longer runs, while laser-controlled manufacturing ensures the exact thickness you need.  

tesa Softprint® plate mounting with foam tapes

tesa® Softprint

Our well-proven family of plate mounting tapes: endlessly flexible, and designed to ensure the exact performance required for the best results whatever the print challenge. tesa® Softprint features exceptional foam quality, for excellent cushioning and long-term resilience. We offer six different levels of hardness, to provide the perfect match for any print motif. And our comprehensive range of plate and sleeve side adhesives means bonding perfection, together with quick and easy demounting.       

flexo contact free trial

Register for your trial today

As the only industry innovators to offer both tesa® Softprint and tesa® Twinlock, we can provide a truly objective consultation. Register here to contact a sales representative or request a product demo.
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