
Corona DIY

La tua piccola è caduta? Ricordale che il motto delle piccole principesse è: Rialzati, raddrizza la corona e continua - ma come fare se non si ha una corona? Il nostro consiglio: basta farne una! Non è un problema con l'aiuto di centrini, paillettes e un po' di fantasia!

Livello Difficoltà Facile Ed Originale

This is What We Need:

Doilies with different patterns spray paint in gold scissors, ruler, pencil gold cardboard  large golden sequins, 65 cm gold fleece tape Glue stick Double sided tape Liquid Glue Drop cloth


Material needed for our do it yourself crown

01The Starting Lineup:

Handcrafted crown: Cut out the pieces

Cover the work area with tesa Easy Cover® Premium L and color the doilies gold with the spray paint. Let it dry and then cut out the individual elements.

DIY crown: Arrange ornaments

Cut a 59 x 13 cm strip from the cardboard and place the doily elements on in such a way that it results in the shape of a crown. Leave 2 cm free on one end for the glue tab.

Self made golden crown: Glue elements to cardboard

Now, stick on the doily elements with the glue stick. Wash your hands frequently when you are doing this, because glue can get on your hands through the hole pattern. 

Handmade golden crown: Cut out shape

Let it dry and then cut out the crown on the outside lines.

Cheap carnival crown: Attach sequins

Stick on the sequins with multipurpose glue and allow them to dry well.

Form the final crown shape

Stick double-sided adhesive tape on the tab, pull off the cover paper and glue the crown together into a ring.

Attach double sided tape to crown

Stick a strip of double-sided adhesive tape around the bottom edge and pull off the cover paper.

The finishing touch

Put on the felt strip and press it down.