tesa® Solution for Micro Speaker Manufacturers
We provide Acoustic Membranes Laminates with a precise coating produced under cleanroom conditions.
We provide Acoustic Membranes Laminates with a precise coating produced under cleanroom conditions.
We understand the applications in acoustic components and the micro speaker technology.
Based on our long-term experience producing and developing our own tesa® acrylic and other adhesives, we are always prepared to create different damper solutions and lami-nates for acoustic membranes.
The precise coating of our laminates can improve the performance of your micro speaker technology. Our numerous sales offices, our research and development de-partments, and our production facilities offer worldwide assistance and can provide you a quick response to technical questions and a fast sampling process.
3-Layer PEEK Laminate for receiver and high performance speaker diaphragms.
General Features:
Product Benefits: